Immergut Festival: Presentation BEFORE, ON and BEHIND the stage

panel discussion

Kem (Kerosin95), Sarah Bergmann (Board Act Aware), Vanessa Cutraro (CEOBuback), Moderation: Henrike Schröder (Editor)

Diversity is becoming more and more important and demonstrably beneficial to creativity. Arts and culture, and the music industry in particular, play an important role in this, often acting as a multiplier or platform for social change.

Germany is a plural country, yet at festivals, we see mostly white, cis-male, non-disabled people on and backstage, while discrimination is part of many people’s everyday festival life.

Three years ago, we talked about gender inequalities on the Word Stage. But it is not only women who are underrepresented and experience discrimination. Mirror of society? Probably not.

Why is a diverse line-up desirable at all? What responsibility do organizers bear? And what role does awareness work play at festivals?