Nightlife, Festivals and Creative Cities

moderation, talk

Clara Cullen (Music Venue Trust London), Chereji Edy (Untold Festival Cluj-Napoca Transylvania), Katja Lucker (CEO Musicboard Berlin), Carsten Helmich (CEO Juicy Beats Festival), Kai Henning (Generalkonsul of Germany US Texas)

Moderation: Pamela Owusu-Brenyah

How can Creative Cities initiate interesting developments for urban nightlife? This panel discussion looks at Creative City as a concept that considers creativity as a strategic factor in urban development. Apart from the fact that urbanity often goes hand in hand with economic efficiency and infrastructural functionality, creative cities also offer places, experiences and opportunities to foster the creativity of their inhabitants.

Drawing comparison from Transylvania in Romania and Austin Texas, the ideas and efforts of Dortmund will be examined.